Authors |
Djamaludinov Gamzat Magomaedgazievich, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, sub-department of political science and sociology, Dagestan State Pedagogical University (57 Yaragskogo street, Makhachkala, Russia),
Seidov Shakhrutdin Gadzhialievich, Doctor of political sciences, professor, sub-department of state and legal disciplines, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Abdusalamova Medina Shakhrutdinovna, Lecturer, sub-department of state and legal disciplines, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. Scholars specializing in various social sciences and humanities are actively studying problems of definition and development of political culture of Russian youth. Student youth is the most progressive, organized, the most sensitive to ongoing changes in society. Therefore, the main objectives of the research are to analyze the state of political culture of students, to define techniques and methods of its improvement and development. The goal of the research is to identify the level of political culture of students from Dagestan State Pedagogical University and to determine the main directions of its improvement.
Materials and methods. The study was based on the data of a sociological poll carried out among students of Dagestan State Pedagogical University. The theoretical basis of the study included scientific works by sociologists and political analysts reflecting the conceptual ideas of the theory and practice of political culture. A distinctive feature of this higher educational organization of the Republic of Dagestan is that the students mostly (70 %) come from mountainous regions of the Republic and represent all the peoples of the multinational Dagestan. The sociological study included 170 students from 2nd–4th courses of different faculties. The main methods of sociological research were survey, observation and interview.
Results. The minimum level of political culture of University students is present, however it is low due to certain reasons.
Conclusions. The main task of educational institutions of higher education is more in-depth political education of students in order to create a socially active and politically competent citizen in modern Russia.
Key words |
political culture, political knowledge, youth, sociological research, Dagestan
References |
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